
Propelling Quantum Information Into a New era

HQAN features three quantum testbeds that will collaboratively develop the technology needed to assemble a hybrid quantum processor and network. Each laboratory is designed with multiple kinds of quantum hardware, which will be used to demonstrate distributed quantum processing and communication protocols. Our program integrates engineering, computing, and physics expertise to achieve our scientific, technology, and education goals.  The HQAN center also includes workforce development initiatives that will inspire and train students who will contribute to the future quantum technology and innovation ecosystem.

Explore our research

The NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute HQAN is led by the University of Illinois' IQUIST, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago. In addition to these three Midwest research powerhouses, which are members of the Chicago Quantum Exchange, the HQAN program integrates industry and government labs. Announced in July 2020, it is one of five QLCI programs in the US and is aligned with the 2018 National Quantum Initiative Act under NSF #2016136



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